Apple HomePod - Everything we know so far price, specs, release date...
Apple HomePod White

There are only some weeks left until the HomePod, the Apple’s first smart speaker hits the stores.

The speaker has been announced this June at the WWDC and will be released in December (Update: Apple announced to delay the launch until early 2018)...

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Bose announced its first ultra-portable speaker the SoundLink Micro
Bose SoundLink Micro Sound

Bose announced its first ultra-portable speaker the SoundLink Micro.

Click here to read my full Bose SoundLink Micro Review.

In the small, portable category Bose had so far the...

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The Fireside Audiobox adds flames to your favorite music
Fireside Audiobox Front

Sitting by the fire is so relaxing.

According to studies, our response to fire is evolutionary.

Our blood pressure decreases and the longer we watch the fire, the more relaxed we become.

Listening to our favorite music while staring at the fire is the best way to reveal the...

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The Smart Sonos One is here and it even likes Alexa
Sonos One Front

Sonos introduced its new speaker the Sonos One which is actually an upgraded version of the existing...

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The new UE Blast, Megablast smart speakers are here with Amazon Alexa integration
Ultimate Ears Blast Megablast

The competition in smart speakers is heating up.

After Google and Amazon, additional manufacturers started to launch their own voice assistant supporting speakers.

Thanks to this, we are not only able to enjoy the benefits of the smart features, but these new speakers are also great...

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13 Scariest Bluetooth Speakers for Halloween
13 Scariest Bluetooth Speakers for Halloween

There are only some days left until Halloween, the scariest holiday of the year, when witches, vampires, and zombies hungry for sweets hanging around the streets.

On this day everything is about fear and as we know from the good classic horror movies there is no fear without scary music,...

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The 2-in-1 Motorola Sphere is available for $199
Motorola Sphere White Front

Motorola announced a really interesting hybrid device this year at the IFA, the Motorola Sphere.

The Sphere is now available and can be ordered for $199 at the date of this article (17.10.2017).

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The new Google Home Max $399 and Mini $49 have been announced
Google Home speakers

The market of the smart speakers is getting really interesting nowadays.

In last November Google released a smart, wireless speaker the Google Home to compete against the...

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Vintage Vinyl Bluetooth Speaker - The real retro feeling
Vintage vinly bluetooth speaker

If you are a retro fanatic and wanted some cool Bluetooth speaker into your living room you did not have too many options so far.

However, now there is this really cool concept created by Jeff Davis which uses vintage vinyl to form loudspeaker.

Jeff is the founder of the Vinylux...

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